Mediterranean Picnic Cob

This tasty picnic cob is made the night before required and can be adjusted to your taste and limited only your imagination. This Mediterranean version is packed with grilled and roasted vegetables, layers of salami, ham, and soft goat’s cheese sourced from your favourite Deli. This loaf is also a great school box lunch option.

Recipe by Ang Quinlan from GH Nutrition


1 round cob loaf

6 slices salami (from Deli Planet)

6 slices leg ham (from Deli Planet)

3 large slices roasted capsicums, finely sliced (from Deli Planet)

6 slices roasted eggplant (from Deli Planet) 

1 packet goats’ cheese 

3 cornichons sliced

1 cup baby spinach leaves

1 cup sundried tomatoes

1 tablespoon spiced saucy jam (see website for recipe or a chutney, available from Deli Planet)





Slice the top off the cob loaf. Scoop out the soft bread leaving a thin shell. Spread spiced saucy jam or chutney of your choice over the bread.

Layer the cob with the meats, cheese, spinach, and roasted vegetables. Replace the top of the loaf and press down. Wrap the cob firmly in cling wrap. 

Weigh down the cob with a wooden board (needs to be pressed) and refrigerate overnight.

Slice into thick wedges and serve.


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Roasted Vegetable Pie with Spiced Saucy Jam