Christmas Rocky Road

Recipe by Accredited Practising Dietitian Georgia Houston from GH Nutrition


12 large marshmallows, or enough to fill the base of the loaf tin

400g dark chocolate, melted

1/3 cup pistachios, crushed

1/3 cup dried cranberries, roughly chopped 

1/4 cup dried strawberries, roughly chopped

Available at Market Health Foods at the Fyshwick Markets



Heatproof bowl

Large saucepan

Loaf Tin


Melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, ensuring the water doesn’t touch the base of the bowl. Stir constantly.

Arrange the marshmallows side-by-side in a loaf tin lined with baking paper. Pour over the chocolate and gently tap the tin, so the chocolate seeps to the bottom.

Sprinkle over the crushed pistachios, cranberries and dried strawberries.

Freeze for 30 minutes or until set. Cut into slices to serve.


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